Saturday, June 28, 2008

All fifth grade disaters and fun stuff

I've almost got to deal with all of this WHOA i know right!!!!!!!!


A Merrill Family said...

That is a lot to deal with. Luckily you have the best mom in the world that can help you. :)

Jenni Kyana Gavin said...

I cant believe how big you are getting!! Its crazy!! Love ya tons and we will see you soon!! Kyana is very excited that you are coming!!

Kat said...

Ashleigh! I can't believe you are growing up so much! You are very talented. I love your blog and what you have done with your moms. Maybe you could work on mine????

Karla said...

You did such a great job with your blog. I love the new design!

5th grade is going to be awesome! You are such a good student. I can't wait to hear about all the cool things you will learn in 5th grade.

See you in a few days! UTAH ROCKS!!

ashleigh said...

I love you Girls all Ya rock On Peace